What is the "Windows encryption for file sharing"
Does it encrypt the user identification only,or encrypt all SMB sesssion such as network neighbour,CIFS,remote manager and WMI....?http://bbs.winos.cn/attachments/month_1003/1003061507e9f35caaf20bd4f8.jpg
March 6th, 2010 10:10am

Twelve years ago,John Blair said: How SMB-encrypted passwords actually work, and a walk-through of the steps required to enable encrypted passwords in Samba. By default, Samba uses plaintext passwords to authenticate clients who access network resources. Samba also supports the use of LanManager- and NT-encrypted password authentication. Using encrypted passwords with Samba has its advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, encrypted passwords mean that plaintext passwords cannot be “sniffed” off the network when users log in to a Samba share. This is particularly important when users connect to a Samba server across a public wide-area network, like the Internet. Furthermore, the latest service packs for Windows 95 and Windows NT do not allow plaintext authentication to be used when connecting to an SMB server. When using the latest version of Windows, either Samba must be configured to use encrypted passwords, or the registry must be edited to enable plaintext passwords. On the negative side, using encrypted passwords requires some extra administrative work. The SMB-encrypted-password algorithm is incompatible with the standard UNIX encryption method. As a result, a second password file containing the LanManager- and NT-password hashes for each user, must be created. If someone makes use of other services on the server, a technique to keep both password files synchronized will have to be used. As of Samba version 1.9.18, the best reason to not use encrypted-password authentication has been eliminated. Previous versions of Samba made use of a Data Encryption Standard (DES) library to compute LanManager password hashes. Because it was linked against a DES library, a compiled version of Samba would be illegal to export from the United States. Strong encryption, like DES, is still considered a munition by U.S. law. To make it easier for stateside mirrors of the Samba FTP archive to distribute Samba, precompiled Samba binaries usually did not contain support for encrypted passwords. Beginning with version 1.9.18, Samba uses a crippled version of DES that is still suitable for calculating LanManager hashes, but is legal to export from the United States. Since the latest service packs to Windows NT and Windows 95 disable the ability to connect to shares, setting Samba to process encrypted passwords has become even more desirable. While it is possible to edit the registries on all of your machines to re-enable the use of plaintext passwords, it is probably easier to configure Samba to use encrypted passwords. SMB Password HashesThere are two styles of SMB-encrypted-password authentication: LanManager and Windows NT. Both techniques use a file which contains hashed values of a user's password, not plaintext passwords, just as the standard UNIX authentication method does. However, each uses its own technique to generate this hash. LanManager-style hashes are generated using this algorithm: 1.Convert the password entered by a user to all capitals. 2.Either truncate the resulting password to 14 characters if it is longer, or pad the password with null bytes if it is shorter than 14 characters. 3.Use this 14-byte value as two 56-bit DES keys to encrypt a secret 8-byte value twice, creating a 16-byte value. This value is the hashed password which is stored in the password file. This secret value is a string consisting of the characters KGS!@#$%. Unfortunately, this algorithm has a serious weakness. First, the password is converted to all uppercase before it is hashed. This reduces the number of possible characters in the password from 95 to 69. However, since most punctuation characters are also denied, the number of possible characters is closer to 40. This reduces the actual size of the keyspace from 9514 to about 4014. Further, each half of the password is encrypted independently. This means that either half of the password can be recovered without recovering the other half. A better approach would have been to “chain” the two encryptions together by feeding the output of the first encryption into the second encryption. This technique is called cipher block chaining. The entire 16-byte hashed password has a possible keyspace of 2128, or 3.4 x 1038. Not using cipher block chaining reduces the number of possible hashed passwords from this value to 2(407) or 3.2 x 1011. As a result, it is possible to use brute force to crack the LanManager passwords in a reasonably short period of time. L0phtcrack, from L0pht Heavy Industries (http://www.l0pht.com/), has been demonstrated to exhaust the keyspace in 62 hours on a quad Pentium Pro 200 SMP box. Since even paranoid users rarely change their passwords more frequently than every few weeks, systems are vulnerable to system crackers with more conventional hardware at their disposal. In contrast, the Windows NT hashing algorithm is much stronger. The NT hashing algorithm consists of computing a 128-bit MD4 hash of a Unicode version of the user's password. Since the password is not truncated and makes the entire Unicode character set available for use, this technique makes use of the entire 128-bit keyspace. Unfortunately, for the sake of backwards compatibility, nearly all SMB servers allow access using either hashing technique. This means that an SMB server, like Samba, must store both hashes in its password database. As a result, at least for the immediate future, it doesn't matter that the NT algorithm is stronger. The Process of SMB-Encrypted AuthenticationThe process of SMB-encrypted authentication is the same whether LanManager or NT encryption is being used. When a client indicates that it can support encrypted-password authentication during the protocol negotiation stage, the server will respond with a random 8-byte value known as the challenge. The challenge is different for each client request. The server stores the challenge until the client is authenticated or denied access. After the client obtains the password from the user, it computes the hash value using one of the previously defined algorithms. The resulting 16-byte value is appended with 5 null bytes. This 21-byte value is used as three 56-bit DES keys to encrypt the 8-byte challenge value three times. The resulting 24-byte value is known as the response. The server also executes the same algorithm, using the stored hashed password. If the value the server computes matches the value returned by the client, the client had to have known the password or at least the 16-byte hash value generated from the password. As a result, access will be granted as an authenticated user. Otherwise, access is denied. In either case, a plaintext password was not passed over the network, where it could be sniffed by an eavesdropper. However, there is a snag with using this technique. Unlike the UNIX password hash, the SMB password hash is a password equivalent. This means that even though it isn't plaintext, it might as well be. It is the responsibility of the authentication client to accept a plaintext password and generate a hash before using it to encrypt the challenge from the server. Unfortunately, a custom client can be written that, rather than generating the password hash from a plaintext password, simply accepts a password hash and uses it to generate the appropriate response to the server. smbclient, a component of the Samba suite, can be modified to accomplish this task. To sum up, even though it is possible to crack the LanManager password in a reasonably short period of time, it isn't actually necessary to gain access to a share if you already know the password hash. The bottom line is that the Samba-encrypted-password file and the NT Security Accounts Manager (SAM) both contain sensitive information. Don't let the fact that it is “encrypted” lead you to believe that you don't have to protect it from snoopers.
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March 9th, 2010 6:04pm

Hi,Based on my research, I would like to answer you that it does not only encrypt the user identifiction. The encryption is based on the operating system, browser's version and the certification of the network server. After turning on the feature, it also encrypts SMB session and CIFS.Thanks,Novak
March 10th, 2010 10:05am

Does it encrypt SMB payload or tcp/ip payload ?
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March 30th, 2010 5:01pm

Hi,Based on my research, I would like to answer you that it does not only encrypt the user identifiction. The encryption is based on the operating system, browser's version and the certification of the network server. After turning on the feature, it also encrypts SMB session and CIFS.Thanks,Novak What contents does it encrypt,SMB payload or tcp/ip payload ? or neibios nwlink,appletalk for smb?
April 7th, 2010 5:05pm

and what version of operating system,computer browser (for network neighbour),NTLM/Kerbors is needed to encrypt smb?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 11th, 2010 5:11pm

Hi,Based on my research, I would like to answer you that it does not only encrypt the user identifiction. The encryption is based on the operating system, browser's version and the certification of the network server. After turning on the feature, it also encrypts SMB session and CIFS.Thanks,NovakDoes it actually encrypt Data transportor just encrypt authentication?
April 16th, 2010 11:59am

if i spend all time waiting
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April 20th, 2010 7:02pm

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